Reviews, comparisons, FOTD/EOTDs, product information and more for all things beauty related.
Thursday, 28 May 2009
Review: Combined Products
E45 Cream (from about £2.50 for a small tube- the co-operative): A wonderful product that does not require a lengthy explaination. It moisturises fantastically, comes in many different sizes and doesn't cost the Earth. I first discovered it after my doctor suggested it for treating eczema (I get some little patches when stressed) as it is much cheaper than the prescriptions and does the job just as well (for the type I get anyway- there are alot of different types many of which might need to be a bit stronger). It stopped the itch and cleared up the horrible dry patches in under a week. They do have a massive bottle with a pump which is good to use on a daily basis to moisturise skin and try to prevent more outbreakes.
Barry M Nail polishes (from about £2.70- Superdrug and Boots): Have a wide variety of different colours and was vote the best inexpensive nail polish of the year by Instyle. It dries to have a nice shine and look nice and thick with two coats. It tends to be quite good in the chipping department (i.e. it doesnt chip much) but since its so thick (but not uneven) it can take a while to dry properly, but if you have time and patience it is well worth the results.
Review: Nars Night Breed Eyeshadows
Review: Simple Cleansing Facial Wipes
Monday, 25 May 2009
Review: Treacle Moon Body Scrub
As a scrub it was very nice and it was effective, it wasn't too scratchy or abrasive (still, i wouldn't recommend it for use on the face) and when applied in a circular motion to wet skin it was lovely and relaxing. It rinsed off easily enough and has left my skin feeling soft and smooth. It has even made a visible improvement on the skin of my upper arms which usually looks horrible and uneven after more than a year hidden under long sleeved tops due to the winter and terrible weather last summer (and I rarely go out in the sun being pale, auburn haired and Scottish and as a result burn very very easily and need to layer on tonnes of Factor 50).
Treacle Moon also makes other products to go with this and in other fragrances if you arent too keen on Coconut (I'm a total fiend for coconut and pineapple stuff). It doesn't hurt that the packaging is quite pretty too without being too much. I love this stuff BUY IT!!!!!!!!! 5/5
Review: China Glaze Nail Polish
After reading all of the rave reviews of china glaze online I decided to try it out for myself and ordered In the Lime Light, a neon green and Japanese Koi, a neon orange colour. Like most polishes they required two coats and they tended to dry reasonanbly quickly, but had a tendency to look a little bit dull, so a good glossy top coat is necessary. I wasn't a big fan of how they looked but this could be down to the fact that when I ordered I had no idea that they were neon (I prefer creme finishes) and had hoped that In The Lime Light would be like MACs Peppermint Patti (I really wish I had bought it) and that Japanese Koi would be good with my Morange lipstick. That said they do stock a wide range of colours and textures including creme, shimmer, glitter and holographic.
Sunday, 24 May 2009
Review: Mehron Brush Treatment
Review: Pallets
The 88 colour pallet and the 88 shimmer pallet are the same as the ones sold by Coastal Scents. They retail at far less than the Coastal Scents ones but have a high shipping price and the time it takes to get from Hong Kong to the UK is quite long (approx 2 weeks, but it was dispatched promptly so it is down to the postal systems not the seller). The pallets seem to be the same as those being sold on the crown brushes uk website and the are selling for a high price but since it is within the UK it would presumably arrive sooner, if needed in a hurry.
The actual products are quite good. They are highly pigmented, easy to blend and I havent had any problems with irritation or allergies (my skin is quite sensitive). The two 88 pallets are quite rightly recommended all over the internet. The blush and neutral pallets are of a high quality also. Not too much too say as there are literally hundereds of reviews of these products on youtube where it is possible to see the products being used. 5/5
Thursday, 21 May 2009
I'm properly back
Last exam was yesterday and ended up being not very well last night (stress related, not alcohol) and have been very tired and nauseous today so will try and be awake long enough to get at least some of those up tonight.
Pallet numbering
Saturday, 16 May 2009
Eurovision EOTN
Monday, 4 May 2009
Just summing up
Done a lot of makeup shopping in the past week, bought two of the Nars Nightlife eyeshadows (in Night Porter and Night Flight) and if I'm honest I'm not exactly loving them. They look gorgeous in their container but they dont make any great impact once they've been applied and they are so dark I couldn't see a massive difference between them. I also got the Orgasm blusher and the Albatross highlighter (Nars has free standard delivery on orders over £50). The blusher is very very light but it builds up nicely but it would take a lot to look heavy which is quite good. The Highlighter, I am just absolutely in love with, it is light but it give an amazing glow and shimmers a bit without making you look like an escapee from the 1970's Disco scene (not necessarily a bad thing, I love glitter).
Have finally found a way to wear Coppering without making my eyes look sore so I was quite pleased with myself (I teamed it up with Bronze, Club and Shroom- All MAC colours). I probably shouldn't be spending my time doing this as my 1st exam is a week on Tuesday but...
Waiting for a few things to arrive before I post a haul, ordered the two 88 pallets from Hong Kong and they are apparently the same as the ones sold by Coastal Scents. I can hardly wait for them to arrive and hope like hell they don't get damaged on the way here. Am going to buy a couple of things from Lime Crime after my last exam as a sort of celebration. I don't usually drink alcohol so the amount I'd spend on alcohol will go on makeup- which means that 1. UK prices are very high esp on booze and 2. it takes quite alot have any effect on me and i tend to buy the dearer cocktails that dont taste of alcohol as I'm not keen on it (it tends to make me think of nail polish remover or that horrible smelling stuff you have to use on your hands when visiting people in hospital) so I should be able to get a good haul. Decided to treat myself if i do well this year and since i get the results a week after my birthday I should get some good stuff (If I do badly I suspect the alcohol will be more attractive ;p).
Will try to get a couple of reviews done over the next couple of weeks around my studying. And I'm trying to get a good Red, White and Blue look done for Eurovision (16th May), hope we do well this year and dont come last as per usual. The woman we're sending this year is quite pretty so hopefully she'll have nice makeup and since Andrew Lloyd Webber is controlling things to do with her song and public profile abroad as well as a changed voting system (50% of the votes are by judges the rest is the usual political voting). Germany has Dita Von Teese performing to their song. Clearly the Big Four (UK, Germany, France and Spain) have decided to put up a fight this year and its about time. Although Terry Wogan is no longer doing the commentary (I miss him already) we do now have Graham Norton (he is very funny and is so camp he was the most obvious choice in my opinion)